Saturday, 17 September 2011

And so it starts...

Evening all...

How is everyone? I have to admit i'm not like this rain much, I don't think it actually stopped for more than about 10 minutes each time!

Today I have experienced my first Saturday off work in 8 weeks and it was bliss! I had the most amazing lay in, a leisurely shower and then brunch! I don't think i've ever eaten brunch before and I have to admit I rather enjoyed it! And then I got down to business.

Yes I am afraid to mention the word this early but here goes... I began preparing Christmas Cards! Yikes I never thought I would say that in September, I'm more then type that starts in December, but it seems this year I am already in demand!

And so it starts... heres a few pictures to help you see how it started!

Adam managed to sneak some ones of me on the camera as well! :S I am aiming to make around 20 boxes - each box will have 8 handmade cards and they will be sold on my website with a donation going to a charity that will be revealed at a later date.  Obviously at the moment they don't look very interesting but I promise you the finished articles will be.

So thats it for me tonight, I just wanted to update you all on what I had been up too, I know it's been a while since I blogged.  I have a very busy day ahead of me tomorrow my aim is to get all the backgrounds sewn on to 140 cards ready for the fun bit.  As well as that I also have 6 card commissions to make for next weekend! Busy busy busy! But at least I'll have lots to show you throughout the coming week.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.

I shall be back soon.

Take Care

Kate xx

1 comment:

  1. Well done you. I am not a card maker but do recycle a few each year and give them to our local Age UK Drop-in Centre to sell. It helps to take the clients out for lunch during the summer.
